September 27 is internationally recognized as World Tourism Day, started by the United Nations World Tourism Organization in the 1980s to raise awareness and demonstrate how tourism affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly affected tourism, the importance of tourism remains as many countries continue opening their borders to international travelers. Even more importantly, research shows that consumers increasingly recognize the value of having the right protection when they travel internationally and 74% are more likely to purchase international travel medical insurance compared to before the pandemic. (Source: GeoBlue Research, Benenson Strategy Group, December 2020)
That’s why having a partner like GeoBlue is a win for Blue plans. GeoBlue provides access to quality providers in the U.S. (through the Blue Plan network) and around the world with relationships with over 1.7 million providers worldwide in over 190 countries. Their Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Traveler Companion product is an exclusive benefit for Blue Cross Blue Shield members. It provides comprehensive international health coverage for all employees and their covered dependents who are enrolled in a domestic Blue Cross Blue Shield medical plan, whenever they travel outside the U.S. for any reason. Additionally, GeoBlue offers an array of travel and expat plans for employer groups of 2+, K-12 schools, colleges, universities, as well as individuals and families.
For more information on GeoBlue or to discuss possible international opportunities, contact your GeoBlue sales representative.