New Work Experiences

BCS New Work Experiences - Office, Remote, Flex

After successfully transitioning all employees to remote work at the height of the pandemic, BCS leadership began reimagining a new work experience for 2021 that could provide contemporary work experiences that meet the demands of a dynamic marketplace. At BCS, our work – finding simple, agile solutions to problems and operationalizing them efficiently and effectively – requires working together in tight synchronization. We want to ignite collaboration and creativity while also providing the focus and reflection that gives everyone the opportunity to bring his or her best self to work.  And, of course, we want to have fun! 

Each team member has a voice in curating an experience that optimizes their wellbeing, productivity, and engagement in the business.

We offer three work experiences:

  1. Office Workers:
    • Spends 80% or more of their time in BCS offices
    • Enjoys dedicated office space tailored to their job
  2. Remote Workers:
    • Spends 20% or less of their time in BCS offices
    • Creates a productive work environment at home
    • Leverages open workspaces when in the office
  3. Flex Workers:
    • Spends between 21% – 79% of their time in BCS offices
    • Receives a set of portable and flexible tools that help create a productive experience
    • Enjoys dedicated office space tailored to their job

In September, all team members evaluated the Four C’s – customer, collaboration, creativity, and culture building – required in their role to select their preferred work experience. Below, we profile three individuals who selected varying options, and asked them to share more about what’s working for them in these new work experiences – and why.

Matt Gibson, Director, Business Development – Office Worker

Matt Gibson

Q: Which work experience did you select, and why?

A: I selected the office work experience. I think there is value with being in the office. It is nice to see fellow co-workers and great to have in-person conversations from both a work and personal perspective.

Q: What does a typical workday look like with your work experience?

A: The office experience is much as we all remember. The only thing that has changed is that there are days when the office can get pretty quiet.

Q: What do you find most rewarding about your work experience? Most challenging?

A: The most rewarding part of the office experience is the face-to-face interaction. The most challenging aspect is being in the office when there is not a sole in sight.

Q: What tips and advice would you share with someone thinking about adopting your work experience?

A: Try it out. It would be nice to see more faces in the office and it is truly nice to have a non-electronic conversation.

Liz Reyna, Accounts Payable Supervisor – Remote Worker

Elizabeth Reyna

Q: Which work experience did you select, and why?

A: I chose to remain a Remote Worker. I made this choice because I have been able to maintain the same level of commitment to my responsibilities and the company with the added benefit of flexibility in my day.

Q: What does a typical workday look like with your work experience?

A: I have even greater flexibility and typically start my day earlier than when I was in the office. Just like my kids, I make sure my laptop is fully charged and start my workday by sitting outside when the weather is nice. Instead of hearing chatter from my peers, I get to hear my dogs playing in the yard or birds signing. When I have meetings, I make sure I am in a quiet work area and away from noise. Teams has been a great help with staying connected with peers and my department. I have my desk setup with two monitors and a hub so it feels just like I’m in the office. I make sure to take a break and a lunch because it is very easy to get lost in work. Lunch usually consists of random house work or working in my yard.

Q: What do you find most rewarding about your work experience? Most challenging?

A: The most rewarding is flexibility knowing if I need to work a little longer to meet a deadline I’m not sitting in traffic or a long drive. Not having the commute to the office has given me back 2 hours of my day, which means less stress and irritation of constantly running around or feeling rushed. My biggest challenge has been with technology not working the way it should.

Annette Chase, Senior Executive Assistant to the President and CEO – Flex Worker

Annette Chase

Q: What work model did you choose, and why?

A: I chose the Flex Model. While the past year and a half has proven that I am still able to be productive while working from home, it is not ideal as a permanent long-term solution for me not only from a business standpoint, but a personal and mental standpoint. Don’t get me wrong, I love working from home, but I enjoy waking up, having a reason to get ready, heading into the office and getting to have some human interaction beyond everyone in my house! From a Culture perspective, there is something to be said for face-to-face communication, so having the ability to adjust my schedule based on how my week looks and what requires me to be in the office and what I can do from home was the perfect solution for me.

Q: What are the biggest benefits for you with this model? The biggest downsides?

A: The biggest benefit of the Flex model is that I am able to decide (with the okay from my manager) which days I will be in the office based on business needs. Initially, I had selected specific days each week I was going to be in, but in these short few weeks of being back in, I have already adjusted those days based on what is happening in a certain week. That is the definition of flexibility, and I feel lucky it has worked out this way. The biggest downside is getting back into the routine of coming into the office. When I get home from days in the office, I am much more tired than before. I think that will correct itself as I get back into the swing of it, just like it was an adjustment to switch to full remote in March of 2020.

Q: Any tips for being as productive as possible in this model?

A: Looking at the week ahead and prioritizing has helped make my time in the office as useful as possible. Communicate with others to plan common times in the office – it is up to us as individuals to make sure what we plan to get done while in the office with others can actually be achieved.