During Black History Month, BCS offered several opportunities to celebrate the rich history of Black Americans, as well as discuss the topic of Diversity and Inclusion within the BCS community.
One such opportunity occurred last week with “Conversation Circles”. A conversation circle is an hour-long opportunity to listen and share personal reflection with six to ten BCS colleagues. The goal is to create a thoughtful space without judgment for people to share. Two circles were available: 1.) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s I “I Have a Dream Speech” and, 2.) the inaugural poem “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman, our nation’s first youth poet laureate.
After reviewing the content, employees were asked to think about the following prompts for discussion:
- What are some of the thoughts and feelings that you think the author was experiencing?
- What does this speech mean to you as an individual?
- What do you think this speech means to our BCS community?
These Conversation Circles served as a conversation starter as we continue to expand our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.