How We’ve Grown

Since 1948 we’ve built a solid foundation reinforced by diversified experiences and proven results.


BCS acquires Medical Risk Managers, Inc. (MRM), a stop loss MGU

BCS creates RiskNavigator, a large claim cost and quality toolset

BCS refreshes EssentialCare by adding group supplemental solutions

BCS launches the BCS Customer Support Center and administrative platform

BCS creates innovative Gene Therapy solutions for health plans and employers


BCS creates 4 Ever Life International Limited (4ELI) to expand GeoBlue distribution

BCS launches BCS Re, a turn-key reinsurance captive solution for BCBS Plan risks

BCS invests in LifeSecure Insurance Company to advance ancillary growth strategy

BCS introduces new Cyber Liability solutions for BCBS and commercial markets


BCS develops industry-leading limited benefit program EssentialCare

BCSL becomes 4 Ever Life Insurance Company (4EL)

4EL is awarded two special purpose BCBS underwriting licenses

BCS invests in GeoBlue and begins underwriting international healthcare


BCS creates Medical Stop Loss insurance program for BCBS markets

BCS begins administering Plan Investment Fund

BCS introduces Agent Errors & Omissions program for BCBS agents


BCS develops BCBS Organ and Bone Marrow Transplant Pool for BCBS Plans

BCS launches Group Universal Life program for BCBS employees

BCS underwrites healthcare coverage for the 1984 and 1988 U.S. Olympic Teams

BCS begins reinsuring BCBS Plan segments of members

BCS Financial Corporation (BCS) is created to own HSI-MIA

HSI is renamed BCS Life Insurance Company (BCSL)

MIA is renamed BCS Insurance Company (BCSI)


HSI-MIA pioneers vision, dental, and chiropractic benefits for national accounts


HSI-MIA issues the first national Blue hospital contracts for the automotive and telecom industries, creating national account standards for Blue Plans


Blue Shield Association is created and forms a similar national Blue entity, Fixed Indemnity of America (MIA), a property and casualty insurance company

HSI and MIA merge operations, becoming known as HSI-MIA


Blue Cross Association is created and forms the first national Blue company, Health Services, Inc. (HSI), a life insurance company

Current News

Announcement: BCS + MMA


BCS is excited to announce that we now offer our limited benefit health insurance solutions for intermittent, part-time, and variable-hour populations in partnership with Marsh McLennan Agency (MMA). BCS is an established and reputable carrier in the marketplace and is excited to add MMA as a new distribution partner for this solution. MMA’s market experience…

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BCS is an Inc Best in Business honoree

BCS Named to Inc.’s Best in Business List

Press Room

Annual list recognizes the industry-leading companies that are the best at what they do CHICAGO, January 29, 2025 – BCS is proud to announce its inclusion in Inc.’s annual Best in Business list, which celebrates the exceptional achievements and contributions of companies that have made a profound impact on their industries and society at large.…

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High Cost Claimant Trends & Insights

High-Cost Claimants Insights Report


Each year, the BCS RiskNavigator Conference brings together actuaries, underwriters, sales, product, claims and more for an annual conference focused on stop loss, reinsurance, and large claims. Together, experts from various backgrounds and unique perspectives discuss and share insights into the trends and issues impacting our industries. To further spread the message, and share this…

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